Sites like Yelp! and other consumer review sites have gained tremendous popularity with the growth and increased usage of the internet. And for good reason: there’s a wealth of information available that we wouldn’t otherwise have access to. However, there are some lesser-known aspects to these type of sites that could affect how much value you place on their reviews.
It’s fairly well-known, at least by most businesses and business owners, that these review sites are a two-way street. They certainly offer some value, particularly for popular services like dining and entertainment, which can garner hundreds or thousands of reviews. For smaller industries, however, the impact of one bad review can badly skew the results for a business.
This is, unfortunately, where a lot of these type of sites, including Yelp, make their money. While they may not state explicitly that payment for “membership” will improve your rankings, that’s exactly the result that a lot of businesses see. It’s the epitome of a “pay to play” systeby which companies must fork out some cash in order to preserve their online reputation.
Can Yelp! Reviews Be Useful Or Trusted?
The answer to this question is that it depends. In some cases, you may see an honest, fairly objective account of a customer experience. These include the good, the bad, and are fairly even keeled. On the other side of the coin, there are customers who have had what seem to be horrific experiences and detail every aspect of it. As the saying goes, if someone likes your business they’ll tell a friend, if they don’t they’ll tell five.
The best approach to assessing hauler is to get input from multiple sources, preferably including one with first-hand experience. Ask friends, use the phone book, and check out company websites online. Once you’ve found a company or two that seem to offer what you’re looking for, call them up directly and get a feel for how them.
While it’s easier than ever to hop online and quickly get the opinion of several strangers, collecting input from multiple sources, including your own feel for a company, is the best way to go. Some other businesses that perform services related to shifter can be helpful as well. For example, a home moving agent likely would have an opinion or recommendation as to which local car shipper has a good reputation.
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