Truckers Choice 101 is a trucking and transportation company based in Houston, Texas. The company has listed its primary contact person as Mr. Carlos Catala, the owner of the company. They have been in business since 2005 and they transport vehicles and cargo across the United States. Truckers Choice 101 is in the business of transporting cars, trucks, SUVs, RVs and motorcycles. They are also in the business of offering training courses for people who are looking to venture into the transportation industry. These live-training courses last a month and cost $300 for one hour. They also have YouTube videos online that offer different types of tutorial lessons for clients. Other than the training, Truckers Choice 101 also helps people file for MC numbers with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and USDOT registrations with the US Department of Transportation. Truckers Choice 101 does not have a working website, and they are also not listed with the business platform BBB. They also do not have fleet details listed. Their registration numbers with the FMCSA and the US Department of Transportation are also not available. There have been complaints about Mr. Catala receiving payment for trainings and not following through with the tutoring.