Auto transport carriers have to transport all kinds of vehicles. The majority of the vehicles are usually just normal cars, but sometimes they also are asked to transport other types of vehicles, such as:
- Limousines.
- Construction vehicles.
- Small trucks.
- Vans.
Another type of vehicle (or vehicle attachment if you will) that they may be asked to transport are travel trailers. If you're in need of having a travel trailer shipped, there are some things that you need to be aware of first.
They Can't Be Shipped on an Open Auto Transport Trailer.
The first thing that you have to be aware of is that a travel trailer can't be shipped on a normal open auto transport trailer. That's because a travel trailer simply is too big in terms of its dimensions. As a result, auto transport carriers will elect to use a flatbed trailer, since a travel trailer can easily be placed on it.
However, while a flatbed trailer is an option that's used by auto transport carriers, it does present with it some difficulties. The two main difficulties are:
- The weight of the trailer.
- Being able to move it.
First, a travel trailer is usually quite heavy, which can be an issue with loading it and unloading it onto the flatbed trailer. Second, a travel trailer can't be moved on its own, which means that it's essentially an inoperable vehicle. Special equipment will have to be used to load it and unload it onto the flatbed trailer.
*Being transported on an open auto transport trailer means that the travel trailer will be exposed to the elements. If the travel trailer is particularly valuable, you can ask to have it covered with a special tarp.

The Cost Will Be Higher.
Because the auto transport carrier has to go through extra steps to transport a travel trailer, the cost will naturally be higher. The auto transport carrier won't be able to transport other vehicles with it, so they won't be able to give you a discount based upon volume. The driver will also need to make sure that he or she has the right equipment on hand to load and unload the travel trailer, as well as has to spend the additional time in doing so.
Not All Companies Will Do It.
Not all auto transport carriers will agree to transport a travel trailer, which means that you need to specify exactly what you need right from the start. Many auto transport carriers do not have the equipment available or simply do not think it's worth it from a business perspective. This is why if you need to transport a travel trailer, you should get in contact with multiple companies in advance, rather than waiting until the last minute.
Don't Have It Hauled.
Another option is to have the travel trailer hauled. This is a poor option for many reasons, especially if it's being shipped a great distance, but the main reason is that it'll put unnecessary wear and tear on the trailer and its tires.
If you're in need of having a travel trailer transported, A-1 Auto Transport can help! We have a wealth of experience in having travel trailers transported. Make sure to visit our website today for your free quote!