The wisest thing you could possibly do for your car is to have it shipped through professionals when it must be delivered overseas. To safely and successfully get your car shipped into the Bahamas, going through experienced transporters is the only way.
They use all of the right equipment and gear while providing trained employees to guide you through the process of shipping to a foreign country.
The Ultimate Overseas Transport Checklist.
- Contact the Embassy of the Bahamas at least a couple months prior to the desired shipping date.
- Start researching international transport companies and book your vehicle’s transport date.
- Gather all documents and proof needed for Customs such as passport, vehicle title, and registration, passport, etc.
- Clean and prepare the vehicle according to the transport company’s specifications.
- Make sure you complete all inspections required. Provide proof to the Customs office.
- Pay all duties and tariffs if applicable.
- Make sure you have a ride arranged to the port on the day the vehicle arrives. Ports will not hold an automobile for any individual.
- Write out a list of all damages already done to the vehicle. Take pictures of any visible harm.
Using a dependable overseas transport company, you can expect the best possible service. The shipping company will even provide insurance coverage on all of the vehicles in their care for the shipping process. If anything were to happen to the integrity of the vehicle, inform the transporter and they will have you file a report so that a claim can be made through their own insurance policy.