How Much Does It Cost for Auto Transport from Phoenix, Arizona to Las Vegas, Nevada?
Auto transport from Phoenix, Arizona to Las Vegas, Nevada costs $590 to $1010.
Auto shipping costs depend on multiple factors, including
- Vehicle weight,
- Vehicle size,
- Car condition,
- Shipping distance,
- The urgency of the delivery,
- Insurance
- Mode of delivery
- Vehicle type.
You can choose the best shipping method for your cargo based on these considerations. Also, you will know little about what to expect from your transport company and how they have their shipping quote.
How Far Is It, and How Long Is the Estimated Delivery Time to Ship a Car?
Car shipping from Phoenix, Arizona to Las Vegas, Nevada is 499 miles. The estimated delivery time is between 1-3 days.
What Is the Cheapest Way to Ship?
Open air transport
This is the most popular method of transporting automobiles, and it is the one that most people picture in their heads when they hear the term "auto shipping." The main reason it is the most preferred choice is that it may be reasonably priced, which is advantageous when transferring vehicles on a tight budget. However, you need to remember that if you choose to relocate your car in this manner, it will not be shielded from the elements and other adverse weather conditions to the same extent as if you chose another method. Thus, if you are traveling during the winter or in inclement weather, you should be aware that your car will not be shielded from the snow, rain, hail, or road dust that may be present.
Enclosed carrier
This is going to be your best alternative if you're seeking the most efficient and risk-free approach to having your automobile transported across the country. Within the confines of a covered moving truck, your vehicle will be protected from environmental hazards. When using fully enclosed trailers, not only will the cargo be better protected, but it will also be more expensive than when transported in an open carrier.
We Can Also Help You Ship the Following Items
- Motorcycles
- Boats
- RV’s
- Sport Vehicles
- Heavy Equipment
- ATV’s
- Freight
Phoenix, AZ includes the following zip codes:
85001, 85002, 85003, 85004, 85005, 85006, 85007, 85008, 85009, 85010, 85011, 85012, 85013, 85014, 85015, 85016, 85017, 85018, 85019, 85020, 85021, 85022, 85023, 85024, 85026, 85027, 85028, 85029, 85030, 85031, 85032, 85033, 85034, 85035, 85036, 85037, 85038, 85039, 85040, 85041, 85042, 85043, 85044, 85045, 85046, 85048, 85050, 85051, 85053, 85054, 85060, 85061, 85062, 85063, 85064, 85065, 85066, 85067, 85068, 85069, 85070, 85071, 85072, 85073, 85074, 85075, 85076, 85078, 85079, 85080, 85082, 85083, 85085, 85086, 85087
Las Vegas, NV includes the following zip codes:
89030, 89031, 89032, 89033, 89036, 89081, 89084, 89085, 89086, 89087