Before you hastily purchase auto transport services from just anyone around, do some online research. By using the Internet, you can find an overseas transporter perfectly capable of shipping your car to Ecuador without any worries.
Look over the prospective transport companies’ websites and write down their contact info. Read any reviews, testimonials or ratings that you can find about the companies you’re interested in. Narrow down your search results to a few companies and call them for quotes before you decide on whom to hire.
Subsequent to Scheduling Your Transport.
After the shipping company of your choice schedules your transport, it is preparation time. The best way to prepare is by keeping a checklist. Before you start writing out your list, call the Embassy of Ecuador. Since auto import laws and duty rates can change at any time, it is highly recommended that shipping customers call the embassy weeks before the transport. They will inform you of the current import laws set for the country.
With the newfound insight you have on Ecuador’s regulations for auto import, start collecting any paperwork or proof mentioned by the embassy. The professionals at the transport company will be by your side through this process. When all proof is gathered, present the documentation to the Customs office. If everything is clear and all import duties have been paid in full, Customs will release a certificate of import approval for the vehicle. This certificate is what you need to get the car into the country after it arrives at the anticipated port.