How to Ship Three Cars at Once
With the continued rise of global trade, many Americans are looking to ship vehicles to overseas. Whether you want to ship one vehicle, or more than 3 vehicles, auto shipping has become a lot easier.
If you are looking to ship three or more vehicles at once, there are several things you will want to know.
Many clients prefer to ship three cars at the same time because there are benefits to sending multiple cars together. You can ship your three cars domestically or internationally, using a variety of options to best customize your shipping experience to your shipping needs.
Why Haul Three Vehicles at Onetime?
- All of your vehicles can arrive at your destination at the same time
- Your shipping company may provide discounts for shipping multiple vehicles
- Importing three vehicles at once makes the shipment of all cars quicker
Think about it like this…
It may sound strange that you can save money by shipping multiple vehicles, but you have to look at it from a business standpoint. It is a lot cheaper for a hauler to complete one larger shipment than it is to do three separate smaller ones.

Domestic Carrier Options
You have several shipping options when sending three cars domestically.
If cost is a concern
You can use open-air transport if you are looking to save a little on your budget. Big rigs featuring two-level open-air trailers will transport your vehicles to their intended destinations.
If protection is your priority
Enclosed auto transportation may be more suited for your needs if you want to keep your vehicles well-protected and safe from the environment.
You can actually fit three vehicles in a small enclosed trailer, so this makes it a great choice if protection is your priority. The trailer is more secure because it is locked and enclosed so items like flying pebbles, and other debris cannot damage your vehicles.
It’s all about what you want
Whichever option you choose, your vehicles will arrive at your destination at the same time, and in perfect condition.
What you need to decide is whether you want to pay for added security for your vehicles while they are in transit. Accidents rarely happen as the shipping process is safe and streamlined, but sometimes a little extra protection is worth the cost.
Keep in mind that many of the worries that clients have which influence their choice to use enclosed trailers can be alleviated with auto shipping insurance.

International Importing Options
Hauling any number of vehicles overseas adds to the complexity.
These are only some of the things you have to consider:
- Wait times
- Travel requirements
- Getting all the proper documentation
- Dealing with US Customs and other government agencies
- Cost
- The export process - export documentation, denied party lists, and classification codes
Here’s the truth about international Hauling
Even if you receive a fair rate from an auto shipping and logistics company, it will cost more than dispatching a single vehicle. Be prepared for that.
The international auto-shipping process is streamlined and simple to understand and navigate. The only thing you have to worry about is finding a reputable auto shipping company to help you get the best price and service possible.
The best shipping companies are great communicators, helping their clients understand each phase in the shipping process, as well as the client’s role in each of those phases.

US Customs
US Customs will expect you to have the following information ready before clearing your cars:
- Proof of ownership for the cars
- All specific shipping details for the cars
- All relevant details about the hauler who will handle your shipment
Shipping overseas is a complex procedure that relies on international rules, regulations, and trade policies.
Mistakes are costly
Unless you are familiar with international shipping rules and regulations, we highly recommend that you hire an experienced auto transport company like A-1 A-T to help you.
Simple mistakes in the international shipping process can lead to excessive fines and even jail time. If you lack knowledge of aspects like trade embargoes, denied persons and parties, export classification codes, and other aspects of the shipping process, you should probably get help.
We don’t want to see you make a mistake that could have been avoided with a little expertise. The U.S. government is very strict when it comes to dispatching things internationally and they have started to crack down on violations over the last decade.
Here are a few things you’ll need before any shipment can take place:

- Original Title: The original title for each of your vehicles will help US Customs identify the vehicles, as well as yourself as the rightful owner of each of the vehicles. Information like plate numbers, VINs, the “registered owner”, and whether liens exist on the vehicles can be identified from the original titles. If you have outstanding debts, leases, or liens on your vehicles, you will need to pay them off before you can ship your vehicles. This is because, while you owe money in some form or another on your vehicles, you do not own them 100%. Someone else, or an entity like a bank, also owns a share in your vehicles. It would be illegal to export vehicles under those circumstances because it would deprive one of the rightful owners of their property.
- Bill of Sales: A bill of sales transfers the ownership of a vehicle to the current owner from the previous one. For three vehicles, you will need three bills of sales. Bills of sales contain much of the information that original titles provide, with added information like odometer readings, witness signatures, the payment status of the vehicle, and more.
- EIN (Employer Identification Number) or International Passport: If you are not a US citizen, you will need to provide an international passport so you can be legally identified. If you are a US citizen, you will need to provide an EIN. An EIN, or Employer Identification Number, can be easily obtained from the IRS. Typically, the use of an EIN is to legally identify a business entity. However, an EIN is required in this case, as EINs are more secure than SSNs, which EINs have replaced for this process.
- Power of Attorney: Power of attorney is written authorization that allows someone else to act on your behalf when you cannot, or are not able to. Before you can ship your three vehicles, you will need to provide the hauler with power of attorney over your vehicles. The company and its workers will need to make decisions involving your vehicles, like trailer placement, that may affect your vehicle. By providing them with the power to make decisions on your behalf, you are allowing the company to be able to do things like move your vehicle, drive your vehicle, and other typical behavior involving the shipping process.
- Shipping Form: Shipping forms make the shipping processes easier for the shipping companies. The company you contract to ship your three vehicles will need to know the destination, the terms of the shipment, and your contact information. Other information may be required as well, depending on the company. Providing the company with this information is vital to having your vehicles shipped safely, and on time.

Your Next Steps
Shipping one car can seem daunting. Importing three cars together can seem impossible.
Luckily, these perspectives could not be further from the truth. The process of shipping a vehicle is simple and clear to understand. Shipping more vehicles simply adds to the cost, but not the complexity of understanding the process.
Be even safer and consider purchasing shipping insurance. If you cannot purchase it through your hauler, your regular insurance provider should be able to do so. Shipping insurance protects your vehicles from harm, and if done, will provide you with compensation to either fix the harm, or replace the vehicle in question. No matter how costly it seems, it is worth every penny.
This guide is a good start to learning how to ship vehicles, especially three at once.
Still feeling overwhelmed?
Don’t worry – A-1 A-T is here to help. We’ve been helping our clients ship their vehicles domestically and internationally for years.
We make the shipping process easy for you because we understand that it is a complicated process.
Contact us today to learn more about how we will ship your vehicle, the costs, and more.
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