How Much Does It Cost To Ship A Golf Cart Overseas?
Published by Joe Webster.

Cost to Ship a Golf Cart Overseas
Shipping a vehicle internationally no matter what kind adds a few extra steps to the process. Since a boat (or plane) is required and there is also the issue of import taxes in the country you are shipping to the logistics are naturally more complicated. These concerns as well as other frequently asked questions from customers transporting golf carts internationally will be discussed in greater detail below.
Overseas Shipping Basics - The main thing that may add to the cost of shipping a golf cart to another country is getting it to a port. If you live in Baltimore or Los Angeles, that’s probably an easy thing to accommodate, but it may be different if you live far away from a shipping port. Make sure you factor in the cost of getting the golf cart to the port, as well as the cost of shipping by boat.
Fortunately, shipping a golf cart is relatively inexpensive compared to other types of vehicles to the cost to ship it to a seaport shouldn’t add significantly to the overall price. What could, however, add to the price is the cost of import taxes, which we’ll look at in the next section.

Understanding International Import Taxes
Import taxes have to be paid to any country you ship a vehicle, whether it’s a golf cart for personal use or a different type of utility vehicle for professional purposes. The catch and it’s a big one is that import taxes vary from country to country, sometimes drastically.
Import taxes or duties are usually based on the value of the vehicle being imported. Another catch to look out for here is that the value is sometimes determined by the importing country. What this means is that a golf cart you paid $5,000 for could be valued (and therefore taxed) at $7,000.
One of the most important things you’ll need to understand before shipping a golf cart internationally is that there are required import documents. There is some overlap in what’s required, but different countries can have drastically different limitations and taxes on what can be imported. Making sure you have all the proper paperwork in order is an important first step in this process.