Double Wide Mobile Home Movers Near Me (The Best Options)
Published by Joe Webster.

Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, it is. As the name implies, it's because of the size since a single wide is much smaller than a double wide mobile home. As mentioned, a single wide is around 400 to 1400 square feet, while a double wide is 1100 to 2400 square feet.
While a single wide can be transported as one, a double wide has to be moved into two sections, which are put together at your destination. So, even if you're transporting the home yourself, it'll take you time.
A single wide is much easier if space isn't a problem and you'll move a lot.
No, you definitely can't. Of course, it also depends on how old your home is. As mentioned, the 1976 laws mean that any home built before them doesn't comply with their regulations. Hence, it shouldn't be moved even a little bit.
You may have better luck with the others, but it's best to look into guidelines when applying for a permit and see if it's safe to move your mobile home.
The worst scenario is your home getting damaged, and even if you have insurance, it'll cause a lot of inconveniences if you're left without accommodation.
Moving a double wide home is a lengthy process, and you shouldn't leave hiring a mover to the last minute, or you'll regret it.
Some permits must be acquired, and even though you'll have the destination decided, the company still has to consider any regulations. Interstate transport and other variables can also take a while to tackle.
The sooner you hire a shipping company, the sooner they'll be able to figure out the logistics and ensure efficient delivery.
No, it's not a good idea to try to transport it yourself. It might seem like transporting a mobile home is as easy as hooking it to a truck and pulling it across the country, but there's a lot more to ensure it's safe.
You'll likely damage the home if you try to do it yourself. For one, you probably don't have the right equipment. Then, you need a permit to move it too. There are also things like interstate laws you might not be aware of.
Finally, if any accident occurs, it'll be hard to deal with it on your own. Rather than taking the risk, it is choosing a better company.
As long as you follow the tips mentioned above when choosing your movers, it would be best if you didn't have much trouble transporting you home.
The company will comply with every safety regulation and secure both parts of your house carefully, so you don't have to worry about falling or getting damaged.
The routes for transport are also chosen carefully to avoid narrow roads and traffic where possible.
Choosing the right company is important; you'll be giving them your entire home for transport, so you should have confidence in their ability to do it right.