Do Auto Dealers Ship Cars For Customers?
Published by Joe Webster.

We often hear this question from our readers, and the simple answer is “Not really.” That’s not to say that dealers can’t or won’t offer auto-carrying services; they rarely have their own internal carriers to do the work.
What happens is that some car dealers partner with a particular firm to coordinate their shifting. For example, an auto dealer in Southern California might partner with us to deliver vehicles sold to customers in the Southwest. This is a fairly common practice within the industry and, in many cases, can make the process easier on the consumer end since you don’t have to arrange for hauling on your own or through a separate agency.
The disadvantage to this is that you end up paying just as much, if not more, than you would have if you’d had the car shipped privately. Car shippers will indeed offer discounts to dealerships due to the potential for bulk business, but there are still profit margins to meet on both sides, and those savings are rarely passed on to the buyer.
Should You Have A Merchant Haul A Vehicle For You?
So where does this leave you when you’ve bought a car from a dealer and need it shipped? Should you have the dealer find a shipper for you or try to find one yourself? The answer lies in your comfort level. If you’re okay with paying a little bit more for the convenience of having the dealers arrange for shipping, they can probably do it for you. Just be sure to ask about the cost upfront. It’s one of those “extras” that can quickly add significantly to the price of your purchase.
If you are willing to spend a few minutes on the internet, send off a couple of emails, and maybe make a phone call or two, you can probably save yourself a decent chunk of change. The internet has made it easier than ever to find auto shippers and quickly get a highly accurate expense estimate from them. This process could be repeated several times over in a matter of minutes if you’re looking for a bargain. Like any other service, it’s a matter of putting in the time to find the right option and comparing what they offer about the charge.

Do you have questions about getting a car shipped to you from a dealership? Call us today at the number at the top of the page to find out more about how we can help! We offer customers 100% FREE cost estimates if you’d like to compare our pricing against the dealer!