Croatia Vehicle Registration Process | A-1 Auto Transport
Getting a car registered in Croatia involves several steps. This page will focus on the details of getting a vehicle registered, as well as the relevant taxes and licensing requirements for driving a car in Croatia.
Vehicles older than seven years may not be imported into Croatia. Temporary import (less than six months) is permitted without paying duties and taxes, but those staying longer must apply for permanent import status.
Getting a car registered in Croatia is a bit of a process and it can sometimes drag on for a while as you bounce between government offices for the appropriate forms, the police station, and the bank to coordinate everything. Here’s a big-picture look at what’s involved.
Enrollment Steps
- Pay appropriate taxes, typically 5% of the vehicle’s value
- Visit the police department with ID for verification
- Pay bank fees for license plates & registration
- Get vehicle insurance (mandatory)
- Technical test certification
These are the primary steps involved, though additional parts of the process may depend on the type of vehicle being brought into the country and its country of origin.
For more information about shipping an automobile to Croatia, the process, expected costs, and required documents, you can find an in-depth resource on our international shipping page.
Getting A Driver's License & Driving
Croatia's road rules, as well as the fines and penalties associated with breaking them, are very strict. There is a zero-tolerance policy toward driving with alcohol in your system, and there are equally harsh penalties for dangerous or reckless driving.
Another thing to remember is that driving in Croatia may differ from what you’re used to in the U.S. Roads are typically smaller and often crowded, and you may experience “aggressive driving” at a greater rate than you’re used to. For these reasons, it’s essential to understand the differences in driving in Croatia and the road signs. For more information, this PDF explains the most commonly used signs and what they mean.
Here are the steps required to get a Croatian driver’s license:
- Medical exam certificate
- Original license with translation
- Residence card
- Payment of licensing fee
Croatian Car Roster Resources
Ministry of Finance - Information about importing a motorcar into Croatia, including customs procedures and automobile regulations (website is in Croatian).
Ministry of Interior - A good general resource for operating a motorcar, getting a license, and understanding the ins and outs of the rules of the road in Croatia.