Can I Ship My Household Goods Inside My Car During International Shipping?
Published by Joe Webster.

How do I know if I Can Move My Household Goods Inside My Car During International Shipping?
This is a common question when arranging for international auto transport, but the answer is not entirely straightforward. The short answer is yes, you can ship household goods in your vehicle during international shipping, but it is greatly discouraged. You are welcome to include a suitcase in your trunk weighing up to 100 lbs for free, but anything more than that comes with additional costs and inherent risks. The following is a list of reasons you should not exceed that 100lb suggestion.
Weight Limits
There is a safe weight range within which a given transport truck may operate; it can be dangerous beyond that range. In addition, there are severe penalties for overloaded trucks. It is not only risky to drive with a car full of heavy furniture and belongings, but it will also cost you more money in the moving business.
An auto transport carrier rarely takes a straight route from point A to point B when moving your vehicle to allow for additional cars to be loaded and unloaded as necessary. These multiple stops, and in very long distance transports, overnight stays, allow for the probability of theft of valuables. Although not extremely common, the threat is real. A vehicle packed full of expensive household goods makes a very obvious target—another reason to avoid packing household goods in your car during transport.

A trip aboard a transport truck is far from smooth, so you don't see people riding along with their vehicles. It is bumpy, and items inside are subject to vibrating and shifting. This is why it is recommended that your 100 lb be confined to the inside of a suitcase. Not only would a heavy item moving in the back seat potentially cause damage to your vehicle, but the item could also break in transit. It is also important to note that although your vehicle is fully insured, any personal or household goods are not. Also, if your car suffers damage, i.e., a broken window or the like, and it is determined to be caused by the items inside, then you will most likely be denied an insurance claim and left to pay for the cost of fixing the vehicle out of pocket.
If, after hearing all the reasons why it is not in your best interest to pack household goods in your vehicle during transport, you still want to do so, then remember to adhere to the strict rules of conduct.
- Make sure all items stay below window level. This will help guard against potential theft and damage that can be sustained if and when your personal belongings shift. Even better, the trunk is safer because it is impossible to see inside, significantly reducing the chance of theft. More often than not, theft occurring on a transport vehicle is a crime of opportunity, motivated usually by valuables being in plain view of a passerby.
- Leave the driver's seat and floorboard empty. This will allow for easy access during the loading and unloading process. If you have opted to use the RORO method, this will enable the transport driver easy access to perform this standard transport procedure.
- Recognize that you are fully responsible for anything transported inside your vehicle. As previously stated, your international auto transport company fully insures your car, but anything you pack inside is not. If something happens, the shipper will take no responsibility for your personal items or household goods.
- Consider utilizing closed-container transport. Although usually reserved for higher-end or classic cars, enclosed car shipping is viable if you fill your truck with household goods. This adds a layer of safety from theft and keeps your entire vehicle out of public view, which will likely keep your belongings better protected. Remember that enclosed car shipping is pricier than open carrier, so you will see a significant cost increase if this is the route you choose.
- Reconsider your decision. Although it seems like it would make sense to have your personal belongings and household goods ride along with your vehicle since they will eventually end up at the same place anyway, the risks far outweigh the benefits in this situation. It is in your best interest to make alternative arrangements. Ask your international auto transport company for suggestions if you have difficulty finding another option. Many companies provide all-inclusive moving packages where they can also handle transporting all your items, valuables, and household goods in addition to transporting your vehicle.